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xcodebuild Code Sign error: No matching codesigning identity found:

I am currently in process of developing my app and haven't enrolled into App developer program. Though have mac, created apple id and developing my app with simulator. Question:

  1. Do you need to enroll (pay $99) to use xcodebuild (the commandline tool to build)?
  2. I have created a starter app and was able to build successfully with XCode (IDE) but while building the same with xcodebuild -target -sdk iphoneos -configuration debug I was getting

    Code Sign error: No matching codesigning identity found: No codesigning identities (i.e. certificate and private key pairs) matching “XXXXXX” were found.
    CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.1'*

And then I changed "Code signing identity" and updated with "Don't code sign"

Now I am only getting

CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 7.1'*

Any idea how to fix this?


  • In order to build for the device you need pay $99 to enroll in the iOS developer program. Without doing that you can only compile for the simulator