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Setting up Vala mode on Emacs

I'm trying to set up a mode for editing Vala in Emacs. I've only found these instructions, and it seems that (for the first case with packages) marmalade no longer carries vala-mode, and for the second, csharp-mode always fails to compile when I try to install it! What should I do?


  • I just confirmed that vala-mode is not included in the marmalade archive, despite the link above. To work around this, from within M-x eshell execute:

    $ wget
    $ package-install-file vala-mode-0.1.el

    package-install works with the network automatically, but package-install-file, and package-install-from-buffer are also available.

    Of course this solution will not download it automatically going forward, so you should contact Marmalade maintainers to determine why it's not listing it in the archive, or possibly submit it for inclusion in Melpa.