I'm using cdh5 quickstart vm and I have a file like this(not full here):
{"user_id": "kim95",
"type": "Book",
"title": "Modern Database Systems: The Object Model, Interoperability, and
"year": "1995",
"publisher": "ACM Press and Addison-Wesley",
"authors": {},
"source": "DBLP"
{"user_id": "marshallo79",
"type": "Book",
"title": "Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Application.",
"year": "1979",
"publisher": "Academic Press",
"authors": {("Albert W. Marshall"), ("Ingram Olkin")},
"source": "DBLP"
and I used this script:
books = load 'data/book-seded.json'
using JsonLoader('t1:tuple(user_id:
STORE books INTO 'book-no-seded.tsv';
the script works , but the generated file is empty, do you have any idea?
Finally , only this schema worked : If I add or remove a space different from this configuration then i gonna have an error( i also added "name" for tuples and specified "null" when it was empty, and changed the order between authors and source, but even without this congiguration it will still be wrong)
{"user_id": "kim95", "type": "Book","title": "Modern Database Systems: The Object Model, Interoperability, and Beyond.", "year": "1995", "publisher": "ACM Press and Addison-Wesley", "authors": [{"name":null"}], "source": "DBLP"}
{"user_id": "marshallo79", "type": "Book", "title": "Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and Its Application.", "year": "1979", "publisher": "Academic Press", "authors": [{"name":"Albert W. Marshall"},{"name":"Ingram Olkin"}], "source": "DBLP"}
And the working script is this one :
books = load 'data/book-seded-workings-reduced.json'
using JsonLoader('user_id:chararray,type:chararray,title:chararray,year:chararray,publisher:chararray,authors:{(name:chararray)},source:chararray');
STORE books INTO 'book-table.csv'; //whether .tsv or .csv