I have a javascript conversion tool for moving XML into Fitnesse tables running on a Fitnesse Static Page, in which I use !-
and -!
around CamelCase and xmlns to avoid Fitnesse from processing them. Ironically, the use of these is causing Fitnesse to interpret them when I run the conversion tool (I take a big string var and do a $("#div").html(output);
which is causing some funkiness with Fitnesse.
I have the javascript running inside !- and -!, and when building these fitnesse tables, I set it up like this:
The javascript looks like this:
output += "!-" + currentValue + "-!";
Fitnesse looks like it is ending the script here. How can I escape these?
Option 1
var startToken = "!" + "-";
var endToken = "-" + "!";
output += startToken + currentValue + endToken;
Option 2
output += "!\-" + currentValue + "-\!";