Search code examples

ExtJS 4 remoteSort asDate

For my remote-sort i use in ExtJS 3 the keyword asDate which was sent in direction-part of request:

dir:asDate ASC

In ExtJS 4 i miss the sortType information in Request:


is there any way to get the sortType information on server side?


  • You can the override encodeSorters function. I'll make you an example :)

    var store = Ext.create('', {
         model: 'User',
         sorters: [{
             property: 'age',
             direction: 'DESC',
             sortType: 'asDate'
         }, {
             property: 'firstName',
             direction: 'ASC'
         proxy: {
             type: 'ajax',
             url: '/echo/json/',
             reader: {
                 type: 'json',
                 root: 'users'
             encodeSorters: function (sorters) {
                 var min = [],
                     length = sorters.length,
                     i = 0;
                 for (; i < length; i++) {
                     min[i] = {
                         property: sorters[i].property,
                         direction: sorters[i].direction,
                         sortType: sorters[i].sortType
                 return this.applyEncoding(min);