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Documenting PHP, should I copy/paste if I extend a class?

I have a PHP class with a method. In the base class (it's more like a prototype, but I'm not using prototypes because we have to be backwards compatible), I document the parameters and description of the method.

Now I extend that class. In this new method (the implementation) should I re-document the parameters and description, should I leave it blank, or should I only leave relevant notes that apply to that particular implementation?

My goal is to have readable API docs produced by PhpDoc, and to follow conventions.


  • Looking at a couple of examples in Zend Framework, it seems the comments are mostly copy-pasted -- and this sometimes leads to different comments.

    The first example I'll take is Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Interface::connect, which is declared as :

     * Connect to the remote server
     * @param string  $host
     * @param int     $port
     * @param boolean $secure
    public function connect($host, $port = 80, $secure = false);

    And, if you take a look at a class that implements this interface, like Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Curl, you'll see :

     * Initialize curl
     * @param  string  $host
     * @param  int     $port
     * @param  boolean $secure
     * @return void
     * @throws Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception if unable to connect
    public function connect($host, $port = 80, $secure = false)

    So, copy-paste of the parameters ; and more informations in the implementation.

    Another example would be Zend_Log_Writer_Abstract::_write :

     * Write a message to the log.
     * @param  array  $event  log data event
     * @return void
    abstract protected function _write($event);

    And, in a child class, like Zend_Log_Writer_Db :

     * Write a message to the log.
     * @param  array  $event  event data
     * @return void
    protected function _write($event)

    Here, again, copy-paste ; and a small modification in the parent class, that has not been re-created in the child class.

    Now, what do I generally do ?

    • I generally consider that developpers don't write comments often enough
    • And generally forget to update them
    • So, I try to make their life easier, and don't duplicate comments
    • Unless the comment in the child class has to be different from the one in the parent class.