I have a TreeViewer
which contains some nodes which each node has some attributes with their corresponding values. I have also a TableViewer
to show the attributes and their corresponding values of the selected node from the TreeViewer
. In the table there are only 2 columns, one showing the attribute name (on the left) and the other one showing the value of that attribute (on the right).
I have the attributes and values in a HashMap
(attributes, value)
But since each node is representing one object, the call to AttributeLabelProvider
(implements ITableLabelProvider
) method getColumnText(Object element, int columnIndex)
only happens once. But I need to create 10 rows to show all the 10 attributes on the attribute column and their values on the right column.
// The following is where I have implemented IStructuredContentProvider to use as my content provider
public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
TreeNode TN = (TreeNode) inputElement;
return TN.getAttributes().values().toArray(); // ***
*** here I can only pass either keySet()
or values()
because my attributes are in a HashMap
Thanks in advance :)
I found one solution, but I am not sure if this is safe. This will return both the values and the keys in an array of Objects[]:
public Object[] getElements(Object inputElement) {
TreeNode TN = (TreeNode) inputElement;
return TN.getAttributes().entrySet().toArray();
Then I used the following in ITableLabelProvider.getColumnText() for columns one and two:
col.setLabelProvider(new ColumnLabelProvider() { // Column 1 (contains the keys)
public String getText(Object element) {
String str = element.toString();
String[] parts = str.split("=");
return parts[0];
col.setLabelProvider(new ColumnLabelProvider() { // Column 2 (Contains the values)
public String getText(Object element) {
String str = element.toString();
String[] parts = str.split("=");
return parts[1];