I'm building an Ember app which uses the LocalStorage adapter for saving and retrieving models, but it would be very convenient to be able to preload some models into the app when testing. The standard way seems to be switching out the app's normal storage adapter in favor of the FixtureAdapter but I'm uncomfortable testing against an app whose configuration is so different from how the app will run in production. I'd much prefer to keep the LocalStorage adapter in place for tests so that I'm testing with real store behavior.
Here's my store definition:
App.ApplicationSerializer = DS.LSSerializer.extend();
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.LSAdapter.extend({
namespace: 'App'
App.store = DS.Store.extend();
I've tried to preload my models manually like this:
"myModel", {
id: 1,
someProperty: "a"
but all I get is "Cannot read property 'push' of undefined", which tells me I'm going about this all wrong. Is there any way to preload models into an Ember app using an adapter other than the FixtureAdapter? Or maybe use the FixtureAdapter side-by-side with another adapter?
The store is initialized by an initializer. App.store
in your particular case is a class definition, not an instance, not that you'd want to use that pattern anyway.
initialize: function (container, application) {
var store = container.lookup('store:main');
store.push("myModel", {
id: 1,
someProperty: "a"
Example: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/OxIDiVU/882/edit
You could also do this in the application route if you didn't feel like using the container/initializer.
App.ApplicationRoute = Em.Route.extend({
beforeModel: function(){
this.store.push("myModel", {
id: 1,
someProperty: "a"