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Microsoft.Reporting.winforms add reference, works locally, but when built in TFS can't find it at compile time

I've got a solution we converted from vs2010 to 2013...

Everything works fine on my get it working originally I had to add a reference to Micorsoft.Reportiviewer.Winforms

When I try to do a build in TFS, I get errors like this:

Web\IReportGenerator.cs (3): The type or namespace name 'WinForms' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.Reporting' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

I tried reading to my main project, no joy... Still work perfectly on my box, check it in to TFS, queue a new build .. errors..


  • I tried installing it and it didnt' work.

    So I installed the nugget package and that worked great.

    PM> Install-Package microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms

    'Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms 10.0.40219.1'