I am new to this site and this is my first question. I am trying to query the "Seattle Real Time Fire 911 Calls" database from the Socrata Seattle Open Data site: https://data.seattle.gov/Public-Safety/Seattle-Real-Time-Fire-911-Calls/kzjm-xkqj. I'm not an expert at using the SODA API, and I'm having difficulty figuring out how to query the most recent entries in the database. All attempts to use the "order" or "where" SoQL statements give me data from 2010 or 2011, and I cannot figure out how to query the most recent 300 entries. Querying the "top" rows yields the oldest entries. Using a full OData feed pull yields data as recent as today, but I need to use a fast json or csv SODA API query.
Note: The datetime field does not respond to any "where" statements that I use.
Thank you!
OK, a few tips to get started:
parameter sorts by default in ascending (ASC
) order, so you'll want to actually order by datetime DESC
to get the latest records firstdatetime
, so you'll also want to filter with a $where
query to only retrieve results in a date range. $where=datetime > '2014-07-01'
works for me, for example$limit=300
parameter as well.Here's a sample request in Runscope for you to try out.