I'm currently studying Java and, as a part of my learning, I attempted to intentionally induce a stack overflow to see what it would do.
I did some boundary testing and, interestingly, I discovered that if I execute the following code it will only sporadically cause an error. Sometimes it will run without any problems.
public class SO
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void ohno(int a)
if (a != 11413)
My questions are as follows:
Limited stack size is a function of how much memory you allocate to the JVM.
Resource-constrained systems have less memory that can be allocated, so absolutely there are real-world scenarios where stack size is a limitation, and there are times where you have to use iterative solutions to naturally-recursive problems as a result.
Increasing the physical memory of a system only matters if you allow that memory to be allocated by the JVM, otherwise you'll get the defaults of that platform.