I have a list of objects which I would like to call a method on for each but I would like this done in parallel.
I think this can be done by splitting the list and starting a number of threads, but in reading the Grails documentation there seems to be a better way but I cannot get it to work.
import static grails.async.*
def = a = {1,2,3,4,5}
@DelegateAsync getPersonByNumber(it);
This doesn't work I have also tried
import static grails.async.*
def = a = {1,2,3,4,5}
This doesn't work ether.
Any ideas how I can do this?
You could use GPARS for parallel execution. I used it some time back and it worked well for me.
Sample code:
public static int THREAD_POOL_SIZE = 6
Closure executeMeInParallel = {
//Your execution code goes here....
5.times {
println it
def f1 = null; def f2 = null;
GParsExecutorsPool.withPool(THREAD_POOL_SIZE) {
f1 = executeMeInParallel.callAsync()
f2 = executeMeInParallel.callAsync()