What I want to do, basically, is to dynamically load views into the ViewPort when needed. In order to do that, I need to find out if the view was already added to the ViewPort so it doesn't get added multiple times. However looking at sencha touch documentation I was not able to find a proper way to check if an item exists inside the ViewPort.
So in summary
1 - Check if the ViewPort contains the view I want to set as active. Something like this:
Ext.Viewport.add([{ xtype: 'myviewtoactivate' }]);
2 - Then I would set this view as active (this part I already know how to do).
Thanks for the help!
You can use something like this inside your controller:
var main = this.getMain(),
myview = main.down('myview');
myview = main.add({
xtype: 'myview'