I use this to get a pointing hand when the mouse hovers over an image object:
imageObject.on('mouseover', function () {
document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer';
This works great on one PC, but does not on other two PCs. All are Linux Debian (Jessie) with firefox 30.0. I don't get any error message on the console.
Interestingly, with the Chrome browser, this works on all three PCs.
How can this be? I am clueless.
I found the culprit! It was noScript! As soon as I deactivated it, the mouse cursor changes again when hovering over the object as wanted.
So one solution is to disable noScript completely. But I tried to find a setting in the options of noScript that could solve the problem, and I found it. Just uncheck BOTH settings under Advanced > ClearClick (untrusted AND trusted). That did the trick for me.