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parsley 2.0.3 not working with boostrap 3

i am trying to use parsely.js on my html page to validate input box. currently this html page contains one input box and one submit button. the structure is created using bootstrap 3 and this page does not contain Form tag.

<div role='form'>
    <div class="row form-group">
        <div class="col-xs-3">
            <label title="fullname">Full Name</label>
        <div class="col-xs-4">
            <input type="text" class='form-control' id="name" name="fullName" data-parsley-required="true" data-parsley-required-message="Please insert your name"/>

  <input type="submit"  class= "btn btn-danger"/> </div>

i am calling parsley.js like

function validateInput()

        var handle = $("input[name='fullName']").parsley({
            successClass: "has-success",
            errorClass: "has-error",
            classHandler: function (el) {
              return $(el).closest('.form-group');//not working

            errorsWrapper: "<span class='help-block'></span>",
            errorTemplate: "<span></span>",


        return handle.isValid();

on click of Submit button. it returns true/false correctly and create span tag also. but error classes are not applied. even data-parsley-required-message'Please insert your name' is not working.

when i put alert($(el)) or alert(el) it gives [object Object]. i think el should be the input object on which i am calling parsley function. but i am not able to get el.attr('id') or any other attribute. it returns undefined. i have also tried

//return el.closest('.form-group');//not working
//return el.$element.closest('.form-group)//not working
//return $(el).$element.closest('.form-group')//not working

I can not use Form tag as i am using this html structure in sharepoint content edtior web part.


  • A few things first:

    1. Parsley allows you to bind it to a field, so you won't have a problem without the form element (see docs);

    2. The classHandler function recieves an object of the type ParsleyField. With this object, you can access the input element with el.$element (for example: alert(el.$element.attr('id'));

    I have made the following changes to your validateInput function:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function validateInput() {
                successClass: "has-success",
                errorClass: "has-error",
                classHandler: function (el) {
                    return el.$element.closest('.form-group'); //working
                errorsWrapper: "<span class='help-block'></span>",
                errorTemplate: "<span></span>",
            // Returns true / false if the field has been validated. Does not affect UI.
            // validate field and affects UI

    With this code, the message is presented correctly, and the successClass and errorClass are appended to the div form-group.

    See the following working jsfiddle