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TList and Creating New Class that is a List of Class of my own is updating Tlist

I have a WizardInfo class which as several TLists as properties, this then populates as the user goes through the wizard on the last screen I query the Tlists and make them into Lists and private fields I then create Lists of DefaultItems from these lists. This is my own class and as name and Id as its property. He is some code

public class DefaultItem
   public int ID {get;set;}
   public string Name {get;set;}

private List<DefaultItem> _defaultList = null;
_defaultList = new List<DefaultItem>();
defaultValue = PopulateDefaultList(_asmgps, defaultList);
private int PopulateDefaultList(
        List<ASGMP> asmgps,
        ref List<DefaultItem> defaultList)
   int isdefault = -1;
   foreach (ASGMP asgmp in asgmps)
      if (asgmp.IsChecked)
         if (asgmp.IsDefault)
            isdefault = asgmp.ID;

         DefaultItem defaultItem = new DefaultItem();
         defaultItem.ID = asgmp.ID;
         defaultItem.Name = GetMPTName(asgmp.ID);  

   return isdefault;

private string GetMPTName(int ID)
        SGMP sgmp = DataRepository.SGMPProvider.GetByASGMPID(ID)
        if (serviceGroupMailPresentation != null)
            MPT mpt DataRepository.MPTProvider.GetByMPTID(SGMP.MPTID);
            if (mailPresentationType != null)
                return mpt.Name;

        return string.Empty;
    catch (Exception ex)

The problem i am having is when i remove a item from the defaultList it affects asgmp. I have found the answer. When I get the mpt name I get asgmp from the database this is where Codesmith does a strange thing and connects the usage of the List and the DefaultList. By querying the original List instead of going to the database it now works fine.


  • I found out that this is because of ntiers instead of using the database the to get the ID I should of used the in List of T in