I need to do something in webpage like this : a bunch of rows that display questions and choices , the choices are made up of radio buttions. I don't konw how to get these radio button's data into my java code. This is my jsp code:
<s:iterator value="questionsList" status="status" var="questionsList">
<td><s:property value="title"/></td>
<s:radio list="{'A','B','C','D'}" name="[%{#status.index}]answer" theme="simple"/>
I've tried
private List answer = new ArrayList();
answer = (List)request.getAttribute("[%{#status.index}]answer");
but it doesn't work. If you have other means to do this please tell me, thank you!
You can provide indexed property names for the lists you want to get in Java
<s:iterator value="questionsList" status="status">
<td><s:property value="title"/></td>
<s:radio list="{'A','B','C','D'}" name="questionsList[%{#status.index}].answer" theme="simple"/>
Voila! Your question list will be populated with indexes provided by status.index