I am trying to send mail when a transaction is created .Content of the mail contains the start date ,end date, no.of years of the transaction. When try this using deliver method mail contains all information. But when i try this using delayed job i could not get the no.of years .Why? any one help me?
def create
@transaction = Transaction.new(params[:transaction])
if transaction.start_date.present?
<h3>The Transaction has been created.</h3>
<p> Transaction start date: <%= @transaction.start_date %></p>
<p> Transaction end date: <%= @transaction.end_date %></p>
<p>No of years: <%=@transaction.num_years %> </p>
Log file
Started POST "transaction" for at 2014-07-25 16:02:10 +0530
Processing by TransactionController#create as HTML
Parameters{"utf8"=>"✓","authenticity_token"=>"ziUJghnsfUjuWA5ar17lgZ0QaOz0Psm3L8lN0wXa7tY=", "transaction"=>{ "start_date(1i)"=>"2014", "start_date(2i)"=>"7", "start_date(3i)"=>"1", "num_years"=>"10"}, "commit"=>"Create Transaction"}
(0.1ms) BEGIN
SQL (0.3ms) INSERT INTO `delayed_jobs` (`attempts`, `created_at`, `failed_at``handler`, `last_error`, `locked_at`, `locked_by`, `priority`, `queue`, `run_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES (0, '2014-07-25 10:32:10', NULL, '--- !ruby/object:Delayed::PerformableMailer\nobject: !ruby/class \'Mailers\'\nmethod_name: :transaction_created_notification\nargs:\n- !ruby/ActiveRecord:Transaction\n attributes:\n id: 435\n school_id: 371\n start_date: 2014-07-01\n end_date: 2024-06-30\n created_at: &1 2014-07-25 10:32:10.446748247 Z\n updated_at: *1\n', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '2014-07-25 10:32:10', '2014-07-25 10:32:10')
(40.6ms) COMMIT
Redirected to http://sat.lvh.me:3000/Transaction/371
Filter chain halted as # <Proc:0x0000000bd6d408@/home/kavi/newproject/app/admin/Transaction.rb:40> rendered or redirected
Completed 302 Found in 108.4ms (ActiveRecord: 68.8ms)
Well, you haven't shared the Transaction
model yet, but since num_years
is not being serialized into the Delayed Job record, I'm going to assume it's because it's an instance variable that does not have a column in the database. DJ reloads the record from the DB when it runs the job, so an instance variable won't be initialized. Can it be computed from the other columns? If so, make it an instance method instead of a variable, so that it gets recalculated after DJ reloads the record from the DB.