I tried ALTER TABLE with a valid timeuuid column name -
cqlsh:dbase> ALTER TABLE jdata ADD 4f8eca60-1498-11e4-b6e6-ed7706c00c12 timeuuid;
Bad Request: line 1:24 no viable alternative at input '4f8eca60-1498-11e4-b6e6-ed7706c00c12'
So, I next tried with quotes and it worked -
cqlsh:dbase> ALTER TABLE jdata ADD "4f8eca60-1498-11e4-b6e6-ed7706c00c12" timeuuid;
But the table description now looks ugly with column name in quotes -
cqlsh:dbase> describe columnfamily jdata;
abc text,
"4f8eca60-1498-11e4-b6e6-ed7706c00c12" timeuuid,
xyz text,
PRIMARY KEY ((abc), xyz)
bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND
blah blah;
So I need help with a ALTER command to create timeuuid column using CQL without quotes.
The NAME of the column is a String by definition. So you can't put anything different from a String as column name.
create table invalidnames (2 text primary key, 5 int);
**Bad Request**: line 1:47 mismatched input '5' expecting ')'
while with strings works
create table validnames (two text primary key, five int);
The name of the column and the type of the column are not related in any way
HTH, Carlo