Search code examples

Override table sorter order

I want to override the ordering on tablesorter. Right now I have the following entries in my table that are dynamically added:

1 Active,34 Active, 453 Active, 3235 Active, inactive, inactive

The issue is that there is another column that I want all the Active entries to be sorted by, and not by the number in front of it.

Is it possible to do this with table sorter? if so how?


  • Ok so I figured it out. What I had to do was use a tablesorter parser. I then use regular expressions to strip the number and spaces off the Active strings. Afterwards I replace inactive with the value of 1, and active, with the value of 2. Then I can sort my table just off the active and inactive category and do further sorting on based of another column. Here is the code below:

      //give an id to the parser
      id: 'campaigns',
      is: function(s) {
        return false;
      format: function(s) {
        //remove any numbers and spaces in the string s
        var state = s.replace(/[0-9]/g, '').replace(/\s/g, '');
        //change inactive to a 1 and active to a 2
        return state.toLowerCase().replace(/inactive/,1).replace(/active/,2);
      //sort on a numeric type
      type: 'numeric'
    $(function() {
        //sort based off of active inactive, then off column 4,and finally off column 1
        sortList: [[1,1], [3,1], [0,0]],
        headers: {
        1: {
          sorter: 'campaigns'