I am making an implementation in matlab to compute the Hessenberg matrix of a given matrix A. I understand the math and i calculated it manualy but i keep comming to the same solution.
Matrix A =
-149.0000 -42.2037 -156.3165
537.6783 152.5511 554.9272
0 -0.0728 2.4489
My result =
-149.0000 -42.2037 -156.3165
537.6783 152.5511 554.9272
0 -0.0728 2.4489
Result of hess in matlab =
-149.0000 42.2037 -156.3165
-537.6783 152.5511 -554.9272
0 0.0728 2.4489
The result i obtained is from using only one Given rotation
1.0000 0 0
0 0.9987 0.0502
0 -0.0502 0.9987
G{1}(3,4).transpose * A * G{1}(3,4) should get met the right solution.
As you can see the result i obtain has some minus signs where they don't belong. Is my implementation wrong or is the hess implementation wrong or are they both valid?
Many thanks in advance!
Both are valid. Note that:
is already in upper Hessenberg form. Nothing needs to be done to get it into upper Hessenberg form; you can take P = I
and H = A
.I would hazard a guess that Matlab uses Householder transformations rather than Givens rotations to reduce matrices to upper Hessenberg form. Householder transformations are reflections and thus have negative determinant. This can flip some off-diagonal signs.