I am trying to use the Rotativa component to store (not to show) a copy of the invoice permanently on web server disk. Two questions:
Here is my code:
public ActionResult ValidationDone(FormCollection formCollection, int orderId, bool fromOrderDetails)
Order orderValidated = context.Orders.Single(no => no.orderID == orderId);
CommonUtils.SendInvoiceMail(orderValidated.customerID , orderValidated.orderID);
var filePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("/Temp"), orderValidated.invoiceID + ".pdf");
var pdfResult = new ActionAsPdf("Index", new { name = orderValidated.invoiceID }) { FileName = filePath };
var binary = pdfResult.BuildPdf(ControllerContext);
FileContentResult fcr = File(binary, "application/pdf");
// how do I save 'fcr' on disk?
You do not need the FileContentResult to create a file. You've got the byte array which can be saved directly to the disk:
var binary = pdfResult.BuildPdf(ControllerContext);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@"c:\foobar.pdf", binary);