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Can docker port forward to a unix file socket on the host container?

Running the following command fails:

sudo docker run -p unix:///tmp/file.sock:44444 -d image_name

Is something wrong with my port forwarding syntax or is a configuration like this not possible?


  • Docker's -p syntax won't take a unix socket:

    -p=[]      : Publish a container᾿s port to the host (format:
                 ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort |

    One solution would be to:

    • Run your container without any -p specification, we'll name it "cont1" (--name cont1)
    • Run a second container which:
      • Bind mounts the unix socket (-v /tmp/file.sock:/tmp/file.sock) to have it accessible from within the container
      • Links to the first container (--link cont1:cont1) to be able to connect to it
      • Runs a tool such as socat to route traffic from the unix socket to the "cont1:4444" endpoint

    I'm not a socat expert, but the address specification you'll need should look like this: UNIX-LISTEN:/tmp/file.sock,fork,reuseaddr TCP4:cont1:4444