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Reading line from file with double double quotes

What is the best way in perl to read line with double double quotes? Example ,

            " This is ""an example"" of double double quotes" 

I need to read this line and perform some manipulation and save it back onto a file . Getline fails if i try to read this file . Is there a better method to read this file and perform line to line manipulation ?


  • There's no getline in Perl. Are you possibly talking about IO->getline()?


    File test.txt:

    " This is ""an example"" of double double quotes" 

    Perl program:

    #! /usr/bin/env perl
    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use feature qw(say);
    use autodie;
    say "Using builtin Perl file operations.";
    open my $fh, "<", "test.txt";
    while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
        chomp $line;
        say "The line is <$line>";
    close $fh;
    say "Using IO::File in order to use 'getline'.";
    use IO::File;
    my $io = IO::File->new;
    while ( my $line = $io->getline ) {
        chomp $line;
        say "The line is <$line>";

    This prints:

    $ ./
    Using builtin Perl file operations.
    The line is <" This is ""an example"" of double double quotes" >
    Using IO::File in order to use 'getline'.
    The line is <" This is ""an example"" of double double quotes" >

    I am having absolutely no trouble reading lines with multiple quotes using either the builtin Pler file methods, or using getline from IO::File.

    Can you be more specific in what you're experiencing? What are you attempting to do? What is your code?

    Are you talking about Perl or Python?