I have the issue, that I need to use a subversion repository that was created (and is still in use) under windows. Thus the default encoding is CP-1252
Now I want to checkout this repository in linux and alter files there using eclipse. I do not want to reencode the whole file using iconv
to UTF-8
if possible as I do not know how good the programs under windows will behave.
My first idea was to set the project encoding to CP-1252
. Under my installation (Kepler under linux) of eclipse there is no option CP-125x
for the encoding. Only some UTF-*
and ISO-8859-1
is selectable.
Is there a way to install further encodings in eclipse?
The 'Text file encoding' field on the 'Preferences > General > Workspace' page only shows the most common encodings in the drop-down. However you can type in other encodings in to field. Any encoding that is supported by the Java Charset
class is accepted.
The Windows 'CP-125x' encodings are called 'windows-125x' by Charset
The same applies to file encodings shown in the file 'Properties > Resource' page.