My current project is organized in this way:
I´m using an IoC Container (SimpleInjector). My Services receives an IRepository in the constructor like:
public CustomerService : ServiceBase
public CustomerService(ICustomerRepository repository, IUnitOfWork<CustomerContext> uow)
My question is:
To inject a Repository in the Service, my Presentation Layer should reference the Domain Layer. It´s ok to add this reference? Shouldn't my presentation layer have reference only to the Infrastructure and the Application layer?
Yes, that's OK.
You need a reference to all components from the composition root (which usually resides in the presentation layer).
I understand it feels a bit strange at first, but you need to differentiate between a DLL-dependency and a hard class dependency. It's OK if your presentation layer depends on DLL's, it's not OK when a view depends on a SQL-repository (as an example).
I have written a blog post about this with some more information: