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Drawing a simple circle using Crafty.js and Box2d

i am trying to draw a simple circle using box2d with crafty.js but i can't seem to able to draw it this is the jsfiddle :

look at this part of the code :

var ball = Crafty.e("2D, Canvas,Color, Box2D,ball")
                .attr({ x: 10, y: 15, z:5 })
                bodyType: 'dynamic',
                density: 1.0,
                friction: 2,
                restitution: 0.2,
                shape: 'circle'
                        function (data) { 

the weird thing about it is that alert is executed but the ball is not showing . am i missing something please help


  • The external resources




    this directs to an Unavailable Page that's why it doesn't work in the fiddle

    Try downloading the source CraftyJS,Box2dweb and Box2d

    Try and see if that works for you.

    Ok I got your code working, it seems that the reference library crafty+box2d is a mod made by the user who made the pong game.

    You forgot to put the width w and height h attribute in the .attr of the ball object.

            var ball = Crafty.e("2D, Canvas,Color, Box2D,Ball")
                .attr({ x: 10, y: 15, z:5 , w:25,h:25 })
                bodyType: 'dynamic',
                density: 1.0,
                friction: 2,
                restitution: 0.2,
                shape: 'circle'
                        function (data) { 

    On the other hand if you want the box outline eating the circle remove the text ,color in the string argument of Crafty.e and erase the .color property

            var ball = Crafty.e("2D, Canvas,ball, Box2D,")
                .attr({ x: 10, y: 15, z:5 , w:25,h:25 })
                bodyType: 'dynamic',
                density: 1.0,
                friction: 2,
                restitution: 0.2,
                shape: 'circle'
                        function (data) { 

    Hope this helps :)