So I am using AJAX via jquery to append data to a table after someone clicks on the submit button , IT works , but the thing is that it first appends two horizontal table cells that are empty , then gets followed by the cells containing data and as long as I click on the submit button , those empty cells add up , it looks weird .. is there a way to fix this .. Below is my code .
$(document).ready(function() {
$( document ).on( 'click', '#submit_button', function () {
var sku = $("#sku").val();
var dec = $("#dec").val();
data:{sku: sku, dec:dec},
if(result !="MEID / DEC / SIM needed"){
if(result =="MEID / DEC / SIM needed"){
The data that gets appended , contained in the result variable is this ... any reason why it adds a row of two empty table cells first ?
<tr class ='rows'><td style ='background:#CC9900;font-weight:bold;'>$title</td><td style='font-weight:bold;'>$count</td></tr>
<tr id ="enter_product_sku"><td> Enter the product SKU </td><td><input id ="sku" type="text" name ="sku[]" size="20" value ="" /> </td></tr>
<input id ="submit_button" class ="career_activation" style ="background:#33CC66; width:70px; height: 50px; color:white; font-weight:bold;padding:10px;" type ="submit" name="submit" value ="ADD" /></td>
<input id ="cancel" class ="career_activation" style ="background:#CC0000; width:70px; height: 50px; color:white; font-weight:bold; padding:10px;"type ="reset" name="cancal" value ="CANCEL" /></td>
console log string
<tr class ='rows'><td style ='background:#CC9900;font-weight:bold;'>Charger2</td><td style='font-weight:bold;'>18</td></tr><tr class ='rows'><td style ='background:#CC9900;font-weight:bold;'>Charger</td><td style='font-weight:bold;'>4</td></tr><tr class ='rows'><td style ='background:#CC9900;font-weight:bold;'>Iphone 6</td><td style='font-weight:bold;'>3</td></tr><tr class ='rows'><td style ='background:#CC9900;font-weight:bold;'>Previal</td><td style='font-weight:bold;'>4</td></tr><tr id ="enter_product_sku"><td> Enter the product SKU </td><td><input id ="sku" type="text" name ="sku[]" size="20" value ="" /> </td></tr><tr>
<input id ="submit_button" class ="career_activation" style ="background:#33CC66; width:70px; height: 50px; color:white; font-weight:bold;padding:10px;" type ="submit" name="submit" value ="ADD" /></td>
<input id ="cancel" class ="career_activation" style ="background:#CC0000; width:70px; height: 50px; color:white; font-weight:bold; padding:10px;"type ="reset" name="cancal" value ="CANCEL" /></td>
data:{sku: sku, dec:dec},
if(result !="MEID / DEC / SIM needed")
$("#submit_button").remove();//does not remove the tr and td tags only the input thus the remaining empty tds and trs
$("#cancel").remove();//Same here
$("#enter_product_sku").remove();//and here
else if(result =="MEID / DEC / SIM needed")//I also added @Bill'o comments
See explainations in code
Consider this maybe:
data:{sku: sku, dec:dec},
if(result !="MEID / DEC / SIM needed")
else if(result =="MEID / DEC / SIM needed")//I also added @Bill'o comments
You could also remove every tr before inserting the results.