Given the following entity one-to-many model:
One Repository can be linked to many AuditRecords.
Many AuditRecords can all link to the same Repository
class AuditRecordEntity {
private AuditRepositoryEntity auditRepository;
@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
@JoinColumn(name = AUDIT_REPOSITORY_DB_COLUMN_NAME, nullable = false, updatable = false)
public AuditRepositoryEntity getAuditRepository() {
return auditRepository;
class AuditRepositoryEntity {
private List<AuditRecordEntity> auditRecords = new ArrayList<AuditRecordEntity>();
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "auditRepository")
public List<AuditRecordEntity> getAuditRecords() {
return auditRecords;
Minor correction, in ERD diagram below, for 'repositoryId', read 'auditRepository'
I am trying to get the Criteria API implementation to:
Get the latest (by accessTime) AuditRecord for each distinct Repository? I.e. a list of AuditRecords, one for each Repository, where the AuditRecord is the last AuditRecord for that Repository (in the case where a Repository has many AuditRecords).
I have the HQL query to do this:
select auditRecord from AuditRecordEntity auditRecord where auditRecord.accessTime =
(select max(auditRecord2.accessTime) from AuditRecordEntity auditRecord2 where
auditRecord2.auditRepository = auditRecord.auditRepository)
But need to use the Criteria APi instead:
CriteriaBuilder builder = getEntityManager().getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Object> query = builder.createQuery();
Root<AuditRecordEntity> root = query.from(AuditRecordEntity.class);
// what next?
I have got this to work(around) by using the output from the HQL query as input to the criteria API:
final List<UUID> auditRecordIds = execute("select auditRecord from AuditRecordEntity auditRecord where auditRecord.accessTime =
(select max(auditRecord2.accessTime) from AuditRecordEntity auditRecord2 where
auditRecord2.auditRepository = auditRecord.auditRepository)")
Root<AuditRecordEntity> root = criteriaQuery.from(AuditRecordEntity.class);;
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();