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How to give a selectmenu a tooltip in jquery ui?

I'm replacing a select with the new jquery-ui selectmenu widget (well: 'covering' would be more precise).

On the select I could easily add a tooltip. I am using jquery-ui tooltip plugin.

I've tried but haven't managed to give the selectmenu one:

* The tooltip on the select does not work any more * Setting a tooltip to the top span of the selectmenu element ('.ui-selectmenu-button') didn't work either

Can it be done?

I'm using jquery ui 1.11.0


  • DEMO of jquery ui tooltip on jquery-ui selectmenu.

    JS code:

    $(function() {
         var select_id = "SelectMenu";
         $( "#"+select_id ).selectmenu();
         $( "#"+select_id+"-button").tooltip({items: "span", content: 'This is select'});


    <label for="SelectMenu">Selectmenu example:</label>
        <select name="SelectMenu" id="SelectMenu">
            <option id="option1" title="Tooltip1">option1</option>
            <option id="option2" title="Tooltip2">option2</option>