Search code examples

How to programmatically select ng-option value?

I have a view that is filled with dropdownlists to filter a report. I also have a view of saved filters that are displayed as links. When a user clicks on their saved filters, I want the appropriate values of the dropdownlists to be selected. The drop downs are being populated properly. On the saved filter link there is an ng-click that will call a function that iterates through the collection of saved filter values and automatically selects the correct one. I cannot figure out how to programmatically set the selected option. Any help is much appreciated!

<select uid="locSelect" 
        ng-options="loc.dbid as loc.serviceName for loc in reportDetail.locList | orderBy:'name'">
    <option uid="unselectedLocOption" value="">-- Select One --</option>

Here is the list of saved filters:

<div class=" well fixed-search" style="overflow-x: hidden;overflow-y: auto;">
<div class="well-header">
    Saved Filters
<div ng-if="!hasSavedFilters">
    <span>No saved filters</span>
<ul ng-if="hasSavedFilters" class="nav nav-list dashboard-list">
    <li ng-repeat="filter in reportDetail.savedFilters">
        <a uid="savedFilter" href="" ng-click="reportDetail.loadSavedFilters(filter.filters)">
            <span ng-bind="filter.title"></span>

And here is my controller

'use strict';

var ReportDetailController = function(ReportsService, $scope){
    var _locList = {};
    var _hospitalStatusList = {};
    var _providerStatusList = {};
    var _savedFilters = [];
    var _sourceTypeList = {};
    var _dateRangeList = {};

    var _init = function(){
            $scope.reportDetail.savedFilters =data;
            $scope.hasSavedFilters = ReportsService.hasSavedFilters();

            $scope.reportDetail.locList = data;
            //$scope.reportDetail.selectedLoc = $scope.reportDetail.locList[0];

                $scope.reportDetail.sourceTypeList = data.CONNECTION_TARGET_STATUS;
                $scope.reportDetail.hospitalStatusList = data.CONNECTION_SOURCE_STATUS;
                $scope.reportDetail.dateRangeList = data;

        $scope.reportDetail.providerStatusList = ReportsService.getProviderStatusForDDL();


    var _loadSavedFilters = function(filters){
        for(var i = 0, l = $scope.reportDetail.locList.length; i<l; i++){
            if($scope.reportDetail.locList[i].serviceName == filters.levelOfCare){
                 $scope.reportDetail.selectedLoc = $scope.reportDetail.locList[i];

    var _isActive = function(filter){
        for(var i = 0, l = $scope.reportDetail.savedFilters.length; i<l; i++){
            if(filter.title == $scope.reportDetail.savedFilters[i].title){
                return true;
            return false;

    var _generateReport = function(){
        return ReportsService.generateReport();

    $scope.reportDetail = {
        init: _init,
        selectedLoc: null,
        isActive: _isActive,
        locList: _locList,
        selectedHospitalStatus: 'NOTIFIED',
        hospitalStatusList: _hospitalStatusList,
        selectedProviderStatus: 'NEW',
        providerStatusList: _providerStatusList,
        selectedSourceType: 'CONNECTED',
        sourceTypeList: _sourceTypeList,
        selectedDateRange: '',
        dateRangeList: _dateRangeList,
        savedFilters: _savedFilters,
        loadSavedFilters: _loadSavedFilters,
        generateReport: _generateReport


app.controller('ReportDetailController', ['ReportsService', '$scope',  ReportDetailController]);


  • Due to time constraints I ended up going a different route. I created an event bus of sorts in my service layer and subscribe to the even in my controller, updating the model, and used ng-repeat with ng-selected.

    I'm still interested to understand why this was not working with ng-options. The model and ng-options types matched, and everything appeared to be wired up correctly. When I have more time i'll re-address the original issue. Thanks for all who responded!