I'm trying to reproduce Ember-TodoMVC with ember-cli. I'm stuck with this part.
I've created a view like this:
ActionEditView = Ember.TextField.extend
didInsertElement: -> @$().focus()
`export default ActionEditView`
When i use it in an Emblem template directly, e. g. view "action-view"
, it works fine: a text field is rendered.
But emberjs.com/guides suggests creating a helper to render the view.
I found this remark: "Remember that you must register your helpers by exporting makeBoundHelper" on ember-cli website. After fiddling for a while struggling to understand how ES6 modules work, i ended up with this code that does not produce any JS errors:
`import ActionEditView from 'loltodo/views/action-edit'`
`export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(ActionEditView)`
When i use it like this in an Emblem template: action-edit
, Ember outputs this in browser console:
[✓] helper:action-edit ......................................... loltodo/helpers/action-edit vendor/ember/ember.js:3521
So i assume the helper gets hooked up fine.
The problem is that it renders blank!
I also tried this:
`import ActionEditView from 'loltodo/views/action-edit'`
`export default Ember.Handlebars.helper('action-edit', ActionEditView)`
It results in error "undefined is not a function" in this line.
So the question is: how do i create a helper that render a view with ember-cli to reproduce this step of the Ember-TodoMVC tutorial?
Like Stefan says: the docs describe this so here are the steps:
from command prompt run ember generate helper "luis-highlight"
make sure your helper name has a dash.. ember-cli
does not want
conflict with html tags (if no dash then it does not work).
inside helpers/luis-hightlight.js
write this:
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(function(value) {
return new Ember.Handlebars.SafeString('<span class="hightlitht">' + value + '</span>');
call helper from template:
{{luis-hightlight 'embercli is great'}}