For my questions I provide you with this fiddle I created:
If you hover over the first person you can see that a black box hovers over the person, but the black box also hovers over the person below. I am trying to make the black box only appear on the first person and disappear when I move the mouse over it. Then when I hover on person no.2 the black box should only hover on that person.
So in short, I want the black box only to appear on the person I am hovering over.
Is this doable without creating extra long code of having different class for each person ?
The code for the function as it stands now is:
.clickMe has a default CSS of
I can see that .clickMe of course triggers fadeIn when I mouseenter on .Claus which is triggering on the person below too. (I have over 20 persons I need this to work on, but I thought making 2 for this case would be sufficient)
Any suggestions ?
Try this code:
$('img').not('.clickMe').mouseenter(function () {