I have 2 string representations of colors (ex: "#FFFFFF
" and "#000000
") and I am looking for a way to get the median color of these two colors programmatically. The color I call "median" would be the color that meets these two in the center.
I need this in order to draw a gradient in 2 steps :
So that it looks like 1 gradient from the first to the second color, which I cannot do.
How can I achieve that?
I would process each RGB component separately. You can parse the hex into a number using Long.valueOf(). Average your two values (rounding as needed) and then going to back to hex using Long.toString() padding out to two digits.
Some example code that I havn't tested:
String colour1 = "#FFFFFF";
String colour2 = "#000000";
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("#");
for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
String h1 = colour1.substring(i*2+1, 3+(i*2));
String h2 = colour2.substring(i*2+1, 3+(i*2));
long l1 = Long.parseLong(h1, 16);
long l2 = Long.parseLong(h2, 16);
long mid = (l1 + l2) / 2; //truncating not rounding
String midStr = Long.toString(mid, 16);
if (midStr.length() == 1) {