I am running a remote synchronising routine on a local mobile. It will run in its own thread and therefore can take as long we want. I want to use the await pattern but I am unsure how to do this as my remote access uses a delegate function. Sorry, I"m a newby to C# so this is probably an easy question.
In my scenario I have the following code:
public static void testREADLiveConnection()
Uri tmaLiveDataRoot = new Uri("https://xxx.azurewebsites.net/xxx.svc/");
TMLiveData.TMALiveData mLiveData = new TMLiveData.TMALiveData(tmaLiveDataRoot);
mResult = null;
DataServiceQuery<TMLiveData.JobType> query = (DataServiceQuery<TMLiveData.JobType>)mLiveData.JobTypes.Where(c => c.IsActive == true);
mLiveData.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("xx", "yy");
mResult = "Trying to READ the data";
query.BeginExecute(OnQueryComplete, query);
catch (Exception ex)
mResult = "Error on beginExecute: " + ex.Message;
private static void OnQueryComplete(IAsyncResult result)
DataServiceQuery<TMLiveData.JobType> query = (DataServiceQuery<TMLiveData.JobType>) result.AsyncState;
mResult = "Done!";
foreach (TMLiveData.JobType jobType in query.EndExecute(result))
mResult += jobType.JobType1 + ",";
}catch (DataServiceClientException ex)
mResult = "Error looping for items: (DataServiceClientException)" + ex.Message;
catch (DataServiceQueryException ex2)
mResult = "Error looping for items: (DataServiceQueryException)" ;
catch (Exception ex3)
mResult = "Error looping for items: (general exception)" + ex3.Message;
The key point is that within the class I run a method, which has a delegate function which is called when the response comes.
Question: How can I use this class, from another class so that I wait for the response AND receive it.
ie. I want
testLSCon newRemoteObject;
listOfJobTypes = await newRemoteObject.testREADLiveConnection();
then do what i want with listOfJobTypes.
I found the answer on another question - and it works perfectly well.
The answer is found here
The new code in the Try{} block of the first method becomes:
try {
//method 2 doing inline
TaskFactory<IEnumerable<TMLiveData.JobType>> tf = new TaskFactory<IEnumerable<TMLiveData.JobType>>();
IEnumerable < TMLiveData.JobType > jobTypes = await tf.FromAsync(query.BeginExecute(null, null),
iar => query.EndExecute(iar));
foreach (TMLiveData.JobType jobType in jobTypes )
mResult += jobType.JobType1 + ",";
//method 1 using the onQueryComplete delegate function
//query.BeginExecute(OnQueryComplete, query);