Does anyone know if there's a Pubnub function to unsubscribe all the users from a channel at once? And I mean without manipulating the regular function
channel: 'my_channel',
callback: function() {
/* something */
I started building a function for mass unsubscribing myself - but hey, it's always a good idea to ask around before trying something obnoxious!
p.s - sorry if this Pubnub question has been asked before. I looked around and it seemed unanswered.
Use a control channel to specify which channels all users should subscribe to.
// Subscribe to 'control' channel
channel : 'control',
message : function(command) {
// Unsubscribe Command
if (command.type == 'unsubscribe')
return pubnub.unsubscribe({
channel :
// Subscribe to other channels
channel : 'ch1,ch2',
message : function(msg) { console.log(msg) }
This will signal all users listening on the control
channel to unsubscribe from a specific channel name. This works pretty well out of the box. And the signal you would send to unsubscribe will look like this:
channel : 'control',
message : {
command : 'unsubscribe',
channel : 'channel_to_unsubscribe'