I trying to get an input to format a certain way. For example input:
I need a space after each letter in the string.
" 12 / 4 "
Another example:
" -10 / -4 * 5 "
6 * -8 / ( -4 + 2 )
I use the spacing to parse and split the input but if theirs not spacing then I can't split by space.
We can assume that +
or -
is not unary when there is digit or expression in parenthesis before it. Rest of operators, like *
can't be unary so they always should be surrounded with spaces.
Using above assumptions you can create something like
String text = "-10/-4*+5+6+(1*2)-3^2";
String formatted = text.replaceAll("(?<=[\\d)])[-+]|[*/^]", " $0 ");
-10 / -4 * +5 + 6 + (1 * 2) - 3 ^ 2
^^^ ^^ ^^ these are not changed
Explanation: we want to surround with spaces only non-unary operators so
- we are checking if before -
or +
there is any digit or )
using look-behind (?<=[\\d)])
we accept any of *
, /
, ^
as non-unary symbols which need to be surrounded by spaces - you can add here more symbols if you like for example (
. " $0 "
- here $0
represents match from group 0 (match from entire regex) so we are simply replacing operator found by regex with the same operator but surrounded with spaces.