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EXTJS - custom VTYPE

I have created a custom vtype that I want to reuse, the vtype will be used to confirm data in the textfield matches another textfield, i.e. confirm email address, etc.

The vtype works perfectly except I need a custom error validation message for each of my textfields, currently I am stuck with the default message in the vtype.

I played around and I am able to pass a field called failedValidationTextField from my view to the vtype, question is how do I get this to be the default message returned back from the vtype?


confirmTextFieldValidation: function(val, field) {
console.log(field.failedValidationTextField);   //the data is getting passed into the vtype
if (field.initialTextField) {
   var txtField = field.up('panel').down('#' + field.initialTextField);
   return (val === txtField.getValue());
   return false;

}, 'confirmTextFieldValidationText': 'This is the message that is currently getting returned'

xtype: 'textfield',
itemId: 'textfield#1',
msgTarget: 'side',
vtype: 'confirmTextFieldValidation',
failedValidationTextField: 'This is the message I want passed back when validation fails',


  • Try using vtypeText

    confirmTextFieldValidation: function(val, field) {
    console.log(field.failedValidationTextField);   //the data is getting passed into the vtype
    if (field.initialTextField) {
       var txtField = field.up('panel').down('#' + field.initialTextField);
       //Validation failed message
       field.vtypeText = field.failedValidationTextField;
       return (val === txtField.getValue());
       return false;