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Copy all created & third-party jars into a single folder with Gradle

we have a multi-project gradle setup with one Java jar for each subproject:

- root-project

Now, because we are creating a Java webstart application, we need to sign all project jars as well as all third-party libraries (dependencies).

My approach was now to copy all built subproject jars and all third-party libraries into a seperate folder and execute a task for signing them. However I am not able to copy the jars.

This was my approach in the root build.gradle:

task copyFiles(type: Copy, dependsOn: subprojects.jar) {
    from configurations.runtime

together with:

task signAll(dependsOn: [copyFiles]) << {
    new File('webstart/signed').mkdirs()
    def libFiles = files { file('webstart/lib').listFiles() }

Then I tried to execute gradle signAll. However, I can only find an empty jar with the name of the root project in the webstart/lib folder.

Maybe my approach is completely wrong. What do I have to do to copy all created & thrid-party jars into a single folder?


  • Add this piece of code to root build.gradle and it should work fine:

    allprojects {
        apply plugin: 'java'
        repositories {
    task copyJars(type: Copy, dependsOn: subprojects.jar) {
        into project.file('dest')
    task copyDeps(type: Copy) {
        into project.file('dest/lib')
    task copyFiles(dependsOn: [copyJars, copyDeps])