For instance I have a string like this : abc123[*]xyz[#]098[~]f9e
[*] , [#] and [~] represents 3 different non-printable characters. How can I replace them with "X" in Java ?
I'm not sure if I understand your questions. If you can formulate it better, I think a simple regular expression replacement may be all that you need.
String r = s.replaceAll(REGEX, "X");
REGEX depends on what you need:
"\\*|#|~" : matches only '*', "#', and '~'
"[^\\d\\w]" : matches anything that is neither a digit nor a word character
"\\[.\\]" : matches '[' followed by ANY character followed by ']'
"(?<=\\[).(?=\\])" : matches only the character surrounded by '[' and ']'