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floating point implementation warnings

i'm trying to implement floating point multiplier module using xilinx ip cores for matrix multiplication and i get warnings for all the components output saying like that NgdBuild:443 - SFF primitive 'Multiplication.M44/blk00000003/blk0000057e' has unconnected output pin here is the code

library IEEE;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity Multiplier is
GENERIC( N : integer := 4);
   clock,reset : IN STD_LOGIC;
   Aport: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
    Bport: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
    Xport:out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0)
end Multiplier;

architecture Behavioral of Multiplier is

type N_array is array (0 to N- 1) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);    
type NfN is array (0 to N - 1) of N_array; 
TYPE state IS (state0, state1); 
SIGNAL pr_state, nx_state: state;
SIGNAL Ain_reg,Ain_next :NfN;
SIGNAL Bin_reg,Bin_next :N_array;
signal mul1,mul2,mul3,mul4,sum1,sum2 :N_array ;
signal prod_reg,prod_next:N_array;
Signal s_reg, s_next: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 20;----used as counter
Signal P_reg, P_next: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 10;----used as counter
Signal Address_reg, Address_next: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 10;----used as counter
Signal out_reg,out_next: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
--Declaration of type and signal of a N element RAM  
--and a type and signal of a NXN element RAM
--with each element being 32 bit wide.
type ram_t is array (0 to N) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
type ram_array is array (0 to N*n) of std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal ram_B : ram_t := (others => (others => '0'));
signal ram_out : ram_t := (others => (others => '0'));
signal ram_A : ram_array := (others => (others => '0'));

--This is the floating point 5 components adjusted to be used with virtex6
component Adder
port (
a: IN std_logic_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
b: IN std_logic_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
clk: IN std_logic;
result: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(31 downto 0));
end component;
component Multi
port (
a: IN std_logic_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
b: IN std_logic_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
clk: IN std_logic;
result: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(31 downto 0));
end component;

M11:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(0)(0),b => Bin_reg(0),clk => clock,result => mul1(0));
M12:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(0)(1),b => Bin_reg(1),clk => clock,result => mul2(0));
M13:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(0)(2),b => Bin_reg(2),clk => clock,result => mul3(0));
M14:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(0)(3),b => Bin_reg(3),clk => clock,result => mul4(0));
S11: Adder port map (a =>mul1(0),b => mul2(0),clk => clock,result => sum1(0));
S12: Adder port map (a =>mul3(0),b => mul4(0),clk => clock,result => sum2(0));
PROD1: Adder port map (a => sum1(0),b =>sum2(0),clk => clock,result => prod_next(0));

M21:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(1)(0),b => Bin_reg(0),clk => clock,result => mul1(1));
M22:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(1)(1),b => Bin_reg(1),clk => clock,result => mul2(1));
M23:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(1)(2),b => Bin_reg(2),clk => clock,result => mul3(1));
M24:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(1)(3),b => Bin_reg(3),clk => clock,result => mul4(1));
S21:Adder port map (a => mul1(1),b => mul2(1),clk => clock,result =>  sum1(1));
S22:Adder port map (a => mul3(1),b => mul4(1),clk => clock,result =>  sum2(1));
PROD2:Adder port map (a => sum1(1),b =>sum2(1),clk => clock,result => prod_next(1));

M31:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(2)(0),b => Bin_reg(0),clk => clock,result => mul1(2));
M32:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(2)(1),b => Bin_reg(1),clk => clock,result => mul2(2));
M33:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(2)(2),b => Bin_reg(2),clk => clock,result => mul3(2));
M34:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(2)(3),b => Bin_reg(3),clk => clock,result => mul4(2));
S31:Adder port map (a => mul1(2),b => mul2(2),clk => clock,result =>sum1(2));
S32:Adder port map (a => mul3(2),b => mul4(2),clk => clock,result =>sum2(2));
PROD3:Adder port map (a => sum1(2),b =>sum2(2),clk => clock,result => prod_next(2));

M41:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(3)(0),b => Bin_reg(0),clk => clock,result => mul1(3));
M42:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(3)(1),b => Bin_reg(1),clk => clock,result => mul2(3));
M43:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(3)(2),b => Bin_reg(2),clk => clock,result => mul3(3));
M44:Multi port map (a => Ain_reg(3)(3),b => Bin_reg(3),clk => clock,result => mul4(3));
S41: Adder port map (a => mul1(3),b => mul2(3),clk => clock,result => sum1(3));
S42: Adder port map (a => mul3(3),b => mul4(3),clk => clock,result => sum2(3));
PROD4:Adder port map(a => sum1(3),b => sum2(3),clk => clock,result => prod_next(3));    

end BLOCK Multiplication;

 ---------- Lower section: ------------------------ 
 PROCESS (reset, clock) 
  IF (reset='1') THEN 
        pr_state <= state0; 
        address_reg <= 0;
        s_reg <= 0;
        P_reg <= 0;         
ELSIF (clock'EVENT AND clock='1') THEN 
        pr_state <= nx_state; 
        s_reg <= s_next;
        p_reg <= p_next;
        Address_reg <= Address_next;
        Ain_reg <= Ain_next;
        Bin_reg <= Bin_next;

---------- Upper section: ------------------------ 
PROCESS (Bport,Aport,out_reg,Address_reg,pr_state,s_reg,Ain_reg,Bin_reg,prod_reg,p_reg)

Address_next <= Address_reg ;
s_next <= s_reg;
p_next <= p_reg;
Bin_next <= Bin_reg ;
Ain_next <= Ain_reg;
out_next <= out_reg;
nx_state <= pr_state ;
CASE pr_state IS                                                                        
WHEN state0 =>                                                                        
        IF (s_reg < N) THEN                                                           
            Bin_next(s_reg) <= Bport;                                                           
            Ain_next(0)(s_reg) <=  Aport;
            s_next <= s_reg + 1;
        ELSif(s_reg > 3 and s_reg < 8) then
            Ain_next(1)(4-s_reg) <=  Aport;
            s_next <= s_reg + 1;
        ELSif(s_reg > 7 and s_reg < 12) then
            Ain_next(2)(8-s_reg) <=  Aport;
            s_next <= s_reg + 1;
        ELSif(s_reg > 11 and s_reg < 16) then
            Ain_next(3)(12-s_reg) <=  Aport;
            s_next <= s_reg + 1;
            s_next <= 0;
            nx_state <= state1;
        END IF; 
 WHEN state1 =>  
        IF (P_reg < N) THEN
            out_next<= prod_reg(P_reg);  
            P_next <= P_reg + 1;
        --- P_next <= 0;
            nx_state <= state0;
         END IF;


  Xport <= out_reg ;
end Behavioral;


  • Probably you didn't enable some of the optional features of the IP core. The netlist however, does contain ports for these features. According to AR21718 you can safely ignore this type of warnings as the unused elements will be trimmed out during MAP phase.