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UL Won't Center In Mobile View

I am mobilizing a website using media queries that take effect at 650px and below. For whatever reason, I can not get my navigation menu to center in the page. My navigation menu is in an unorderd list. I spent over an hour in FireBug trying to figure this thing out without any success. Can some css Guru out there please help me with this!!?

Here is the site...


  • Within your @media all and (max-width:650px) section of your css you should make the following changes:

    #navigation, .menu {
    .menu .menu-item {

    in order for margin:auto to center your content it will need to have a container which takes up the entire width or is centered itself. Also for margin:auto to work the element being centered needs to have a set width.

    Since your lis may need to change width and ideally would stay centered regardless of their width, it would be best to have all of the lis in a container that is 100% the width of the browser for mobile, and then center them within that container. this is why you will need to make the navigation and menu divs 100% width.

    In addition you cannot center a floated div, so you will need to clear that float from the lis. then simply apply display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto; and you will have a centered menu!