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How to get play-2.3-highlights activator template working?

I am creating a new application using the play-2.3-highlights activator template.

activator new play-2.3-highlights play-2.3-highlights

It successfully creates new application.

However when I run activator run in the play-2.3-highlights directory I get the following error:

[debug] application - Unforseen error for Controller.js at /public

But it is available from browser - opening http://localhost:9000/assets/javascripts/Controller.js gives me the javascript. main.js is also near Controller.js.

What can be a solution for the issue?


  • To get it work I updated paths from:

    page: "./Page"
    controller: "./controller"
    sumWebSocket: "./SumWebSocket"
    jquery: "../lib/jquery/jquery"


    page: "./javascripts/Page"
    controller: "./javascripts/controller"
    sumWebSocket: "./javascripts/SumWebSocket"
    jquery: "./lib/jquery/jquery"
 is also in javascripts folder near all other scripts, not sure why I need to specify javascripts folders