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Play 2.x Json transform json keys to camelCase from underscore case

I want to transform a json with underscore case keys to camel case keys.

"{\"first_key\": \"first_value\", \"second_key\": {\"second_first_key\":\"second_first_value\"}}"


 "{\"firstKey\": \"first_value\", \"secondKey\": {\"secondFirstKey\":\"second_first_value\"}}"

This is partial code:

val CamelCaseRegex = new Regex("(_.)")
val jsonTransformer = (__).json.update(
  //converts json camel_case field names to Scala camelCase field names  
val jsonRet = Json.parse(jsonStr).transform(jsonTransformer)

I have tried several ways in the update method without success.


  • While it would be nice to do this with just the native Play library, it's a good use-case for Mandubian's Play Json Zipper extension libraries.

    Here's a quick go at this (not exhaustively tested). First you need to add the resolver and library to your build:

    resolvers += "mandubian maven bintray" at ""
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.mandubian"     %% "play-json-zipper"    % "1.2"

    Then you could try something like this:

    import play.api.libs.json._
    import play.api.libs.json.extensions._
    // conversion function borrowed from here:
    def underscoreToCamel(name: String) = "_([a-z\\d])".r.replaceAllIn(name, {m =>
    // Update the key, otherwise ignore them...
    // FIXME: The None case shouldn't happen here so maybe we
    // don't need it...
    def underscoreToCamelCaseJs(json: JsValue) = json.updateAllKeyNodes {
      case (path, js) => JsPathExtension.hasKey(path) match {
        case Some(key) => underscoreToCamel(key) -> js
        case None => path.toJsonString -> js

    Which on this input:

    val testJson = Json.obj(
      "some_str" -> JsString("foo_bar"),
      "some_obj" -> Json.obj(
        "some_field" -> Json.arr("foo", "bar")
      "an_int" -> JsNumber(1)


      "someStr" : "foo_bar",
      "someObj" : {
        "someField" : [ "foo", "bar" ]
      "anInt" : 1