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Awesomium offscreen webview never load a page

public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var session = WebCore.CreateWebSession(new WebPreferences { WebSecurity = false });
        var browser = WebCore.CreateWebView(1920, 3000, session, WebViewType.Offscreen);
        WebCore.ShuttingDown += WebCoreOnShuttingDown;
        browser.ConsoleMessage += BrowserOnConsoleMessage;
        browser.LoadingFrameComplete += BrowserOnLoadingFrameComplete;
        browser.DocumentReady += BrowserOnDocumentReady;
        browser.Source = new Uri("");
        var error = browser.GetLastError();

    private static void BrowserOnConsoleMessage(object sender, ConsoleMessageEventArgs consoleMessageEventArgs)


    private static void WebCoreOnShuttingDown(object sender, CoreShutdownEventArgs coreShutdownEventArgs)


    private static void BrowserOnDocumentReady(object sender, UrlEventArgs urlEventArgs)


    private static void BrowserOnLoadingFrameComplete(object sender, FrameEventArgs frameEventArgs)


It does not work. None of these events ever fired. error is None. I'm sure I miss something obvious. Does the WebView should be additionally initialized somehow? I searched in Awesomium Wiki but didn't find any additional information.


  • I made some research and found instruction here

    Wait Until the Page Has Finished Loading

    while (view->IsLoading())

    in .Net the WebCore.Update is deprecated and have a description:

    In a non-UI environment (or even in a UI application), you can now create a dedicated Thread for Awesomium and from that thread, use WebCore.Run to start auto-updating.

    so i created this code example:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Task t = new Task(() =>
            WebCore.Initialize(new WebConfig(), true);
            WebView browser = WebCore.CreateWebView(1024, 768, WebViewType.Offscreen);
            browser.DocumentReady += browser_DocumentReady;
            browser.Source = new Uri("");
    static void browser_DocumentReady(object sender, UrlEventArgs e)

    You can find more info in WebCore.Run description.