If I have an event type; say a click event. That I want to fire 3 unique ajax requests for but I want to subscribe to the final result of all 3 requests
What is the proper design pattern for this sequence.
My current code block looks something like this
.map(data => {
return angular.copy(data.additionalArguments[0].entity);
.select(d => {
return {
Member: MemberService.getMember(d.ID),
otherData: MemberService.dataOtherData(d.ID),
Notes: MemberService.getNotes(d.ID),
Log: MemberService.getLog(d.ID)
.switchLatest() //Code current dies here with an object is not a function error. I believe because the return object is not an obserable. But not sure what the proper design pattern is.
.subscribe(model => {
//I would like that model would contain an object with the result of the 3 responses above.
$scope.model = model;
You can use zip
to synchronize your requests. zip
will cause all observables to be subscribed, and yield each time all of those observables fire. So, once the n
th item from each observable is yielded, zip will yield it's n
th value, which is created by using the n
th values from the original observables.
Once you have that, can you use switchLatest
, which works on Observable<Observable<T>>
, and makes sure it's always subscribed to the latest observable. So, if you select a new user, it'll just unsubscribe from any pending request, and subscribe to the next one instead.
.map(data => {
return angular.copy(data.additionalArguments[0].entity);
.subscribe(model => {
$scope.model = model;
function entityToExpandedData (entity) {
return Rx.Observable
function makeExpandedData (member, otherData, notes, log) {
return {
member: member,
otherData: otherData,
notes: notes,
log: log