I have created a application to learn C# , web service and created a setup file using visual studion 2010.
While installing it ask for person name and license key.The license key can be validated in both offilene mode and online mode.
In online Mode : this Licese key is validated using web services. Note: My data base for license key is in external server .
Offline Mode the application validates the license key by itself. using some encryption decryption technique.
The key which we use to validate the installation is generated by another application. To generate the key, the person has to give me his name which he will provide during the installation. Based on that i will provide him the license key.
Now my problem , i want to stop that person using the same setup file to install in another computer using the same key i provided him for the first time installation.
Can any one help me solve this.Also i am very new to c# , so i request you to explain in the easiest way.
One more thing to add for Offleine mode :
For the Offline mode : i sell my application to an organisation , and they want to install in 5 diffrent machines and i dont want to give them 5 different License .
can any one help me to think inright direction ???
You'll have to include some other means of identification than just the name as base of your license key - for example some hardware specific identifier(s) which don't change often.
See here: How to fast get Hardware Id in C#