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How does Spark aggregate function - aggregateByKey work?

Say I have a distribute system on 3 nodes and my data is distributed among those nodes. for example, I have a test.csv file which exists on all 3 nodes and it contains 2 columns of:

**row   | id,  c.**
row1  | k1 , c1  
row2  | k1 , c2  
row3  | k1 , c3  
row4  | k2 , c4  
row5  | k2 , c5  
row6  | k2 , c6  
row7  | k3 , c7  
row8  | k3 , c8  
row9  | k3 , c9  
row10 | k4 , c10   
row11 | k4 , c11  
row12 | k4 , c12 

Then I use SparkContext.textFile to read the file out as rdd and so. So far as I understand, each spark worker node will read the a portion out from the file. So right now let's say each node will store:

  • node 1: row 1~4
  • node 2: row 5~8
  • node 3: row 9~12

My question is that let's say I want to do computation on those data, and there is one step that I need to group the key together, so the key value pair would be [k1 [{k1 c1} {k1 c2} {k1 c3}]].. and so on.

There is a function called groupByKey() which is very expensive to use, and aggregateByKey() is recommended to use. So I'm wondering how does groupByKey() and aggregateByKey() works under the hood? Can someone using the example I provided above to explain please? After shuffling where does the rows reside on each node?


  • aggregateByKey() is almost identical to reduceByKey() (both calling combineByKey() behind the scenes), except you give a starting value for aggregateByKey(). Most people are familiar with reduceByKey(), so I will use that in the explanation.

    The reason reduceByKey() is so much better is because it makes use of a MapReduce feature called a combiner. Any function like + or * can be used in this fashion because the order of the elements it is called on doesn't matter. This allows Spark to start "reducing" values with the same key even if they are not all in the same partition yet.

    On the flip side groupByKey() gives you more versatility since you write a function that takes an Iterable, meaning you could even pull all the elements into an array. However it is inefficient because for it to work the full set of (K,V,) pairs have to be in one partition.

    The step that moves the data around on a reduce type operation is generally called the shuffle, at the very simplest level the data is partitioned to each node (often with a hash partitioner), and then sorted on each node.