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collective.elasticsearch - plone install fails

I am trying to install collective.elasticsearch as an "add-on" into plone by adding it into the eggs and zcml sections of buildout as stated by the installation instructions on the github site. The buildout log is telling me that it installed succesfully but plone fails to start up. When I try to start plone in debug mode, it fails with the following error line:

ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "/var/db/zope/plone43/zeocluster/parts/client1/etc/package-includes/006-collective.elasticsearch-configure.zcml", line 1.0-1.68
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/db/zope/plone43/buildout-cache/eggs/collective.elasticsearch-1.0-py2.7.egg/collective/elasticsearch/configure.zcml'

Can anyone help me figure out why the configure.zcml file is missing or what am I doing wrong?


  • Probably the the add-on has has been badly packaged (commonly: the file is missing or not proper).

    1. Open an issue to the owner:
    2. Use the development version, taking the source from github directly (you'll need to activate it in development mode)