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psexec : argument line with doublequotes

I need to start a .bat file on a remote pc via psexec . The remote pc has usr and pwd set:

usr= username 
pwd= password"123

In cmd it works fine , just put a \ in front of "
(psexec \\remote-pc -d -u username -p password\"123)

But, the point is that I have this arg line defined in my build.xml and i'm not able to start it by using ANT.
I tried by changing the " with " and other stuffs i found but no way.

any idea? maybe it's easier to change the pwd of my machines :-)

thank you !


  • As a rule of thumb use 1-n nested arg value elements instead of arg line,
    see ant manual commandline arguments.
    Splitting your arg line into several arg value ... should work, see :

    <exec executable="c:\pstools\psexec.exe">
     <arg value="\\hostname"/>
     <arg value="/accepteula"/>
     <arg value="cmd"/>
     <arg value="/c"/>
     <arg value="echo"/>
     <arg value="password&quot;123"/>

    output :

    [exec] PsExec v1.98 - Execute processes remotely
    [exec] Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Mark Russinovich
    [exec] Sysinternals -
    [exec] cmd exited with error code 0.

    whereas :

    <exec executable="c:\pstools\psexec.exe">
     <arg line="\\hostname /accepteula cmd /c echo password&quot;123"/>

    output :

    .. unbalanced quotes in \\hostname /accepteula cmd /c echo password"123